The real estate investment manager of the future
Baum and Shegoyan 2024
Bond yields and real estate prices – where next?
Property Chronicle, 2018
updated in 2022 and 2023
The future of automated real estate valuations (AVMs)
Baum, 2022
Tokenisation: the future of real estate investment?
Baum, 2021a
Baum and Saull, 2020
PropTech 2020:
The future of Real Estate
Baum, 2020
Finance for Housing in England
Baum and Xiong, 2019
The Future of Real Estate Transactions
Baum and Saull, 2019
The Deep Learning Revolution
Baum, 2018
Two centuries of farmland prices in England
Jadevicius et. al, 2018
PropTech 3.0:
The future of Real Estate
Baum, 2017
Can real estate investors avoid specific risk?
Baum and Colley, 2017
Performance Persistence in Real Estate Private Equity
Aarts and Baum, 2016
Real Estate Finance
Fuerst Milicheva Baum, 2015
The Workshop Report
Baum et. al, 2013
The Role of Financial Leverage in the Performance of Private Equity Real Estate Funds
Alcock et. al, 2013
The use of listed real estate securities in asset management: a literature review and summary of current practical applications
Moss and Baum, 2013
Are listed real estate stocks managed as part of the real estate allocation?
Baum and Moss, 2012
Aligning asset allocation and real estate investment: some lessons from the last cycle
Kennedy and Baum, 2012
Understanding the Barriers to Real Estate Investment in Developing Economies
Baum and Murray, 2010
Sources of alpha and beta in property funds: a case study
Baum and Farrelly, 2009
Depreciation, Income Distribution and the UK REIT
Baum and Devaney, 2008
Unlisted Property Funds: Supplying Capital To Developing Property Markets?
Baum, 2008
Pricing Inefficiencies in Private Real Estate Markets Using Total Return Swaps
Lizieri et. al, 2008
Pricing the options inherent in leased commercial property: the impact of rental growth volatility
Baum and Brown, 2006
Managing specific risk in property portfolios
Baum and Struempell, 2006
Pricing Property Derivatives: An Initial Review
IPF, 2005
Depreciation in Commercial Property Markets
IPF, 2005
Retention rates,
re-investment and depreeciation in European office markets
Baum and Turner, 2004
Attribution of real estate portfolio returns and manager style: some empirical results
Baum and Key, 2000
Evidence of cycles in European commercial real estate markets – and some hypotheses
Baum, 2000
Space Race: The Contribution of Property Markets To The Competitiveness of London and Frankfurt
Lizieri et. al London v Frankfurt, 2000
The influence of valuers and valuations on the workings of the commercial property investment market
McAllister et. al, 2000
Attribution Analysis of Property Portfolios
Baum et. al, 1999
Ownership, Occupation and Risk: A View of the City of London Office Market
Baum and Lizieri, 1999
Using rental swaps and sales to manage portfolio risk and to fund property development
Baum Beardsley and Ward, 1999
The Causes and Effects of Depreciation in Office Buildings: A Ten Year Update
Baum and McElhinney, 1997
The Contribution of Upward-Only Rent Reviews to The Value of UK Property
Baum Crosby and Murdoch, 1995